
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

FAST Search - Configuration Wizard Fails on Admin Node

We received the following error when attempting to run the configuration wizard on a FAST admin node (Edited for space):

StdError - resourcestoreinstaller.exe - C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe SET config "ResourceStore" /section:requestFiltering /verbs.allowUnlisted:false /commit:apphost - ERROR ( message:Unknown attribute "verbs.allowUnlisted".  Replace with -? for help. )

Exception - System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException: An error occurred while installing Resource store.

It turned out to be the number of processor on the admin node. There were 24. The limit is apparently 15. Once we reduced the number of processors to 4 in the bios, the configuration wizard completed successfully.


John Chapman said...

Is that limitation documented somewhere?

HelloSharePoint said...

Not that I know of. It was mentioned during a Microsoft support call.