
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Export Multiple Lists into a Single Excel File

This is simply a copy of a clever TechNet Forum answer for reference:

After you click Export to Excel and open the owssvr.iqy for the first list, do not close the Excel file, change the connection name from owssvr to something else in Data->Connections->Properties.
go to the next list and click Export to Excel, choose new worksheet instead of new workbook. And rename the connection to the second list from owssvr to something else as before.
This way, you will get one data connection for each list in the same workbook. Save the workbook back to .xls after finishing the last list.

1 comment:

Bradley Geldenhuys said...

I have seen this so many times and also always wanted to know if there was a way. Craig Tarr wrote up a way on how to do it using front-end code. Basically the script structures unstructured data using REST API. Once you have the data you can export to excel or another DB. Completely configurable.